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I have been married to my wonderful husband, David, for just over 21 years now.

Apart from him, my family consists of two fur babies (that’s them on the right – Ruby is our Weimaraner/German Pointer Cross and that’s her ‘twin’, Taylor, our little Dachshund).

Nothing is simple having these two around and they run the house – something we don’t mind putting up with because they are cute and quite the characters.

Hailing originally from the UK, we moved to Canada nearly 17 years ago and we now call this amazing, beautiful land, Home.


How did I get into re-loving furniture and other pieces?

Well, its mainly down to two people. Many years ago, I became great friends with an artist, Susan Archer. She was an amazing lady and saw things in paintings and drawings which I didn’t see before but she made me look at things differently and I now appreciate what is there.

I also have a good friend, Chris Rose, who is one of the greatest photographers out there. Over the years he taught me how to get the best design, colour, uniqueness in all sorts of things, to look at the detail and to never be satisfied until its perfect.

Photography is one of my most favourite styles of art and there are some amazing things out there.


So now, I love looking at things that are unusual.....

 - the curved legs of a table

 - the unusual shape of the back of a chair

 - the beauty in uncommonly designed pieces of furniture 


These pieces were loved when they were built and now I want to relove them so we can appreciate them even more. I must admit, like all recyclers I am addicted to checking out the local auctions, garage sales and thrift stores on a regular basis. I guess its like being addicted to shoes for all you women out there.

I am becoming a bit of a hoarder with some amazing beauties. I can’t wait to finish some of them off and show you my treasures. They are current stashed away and I pray that my husband doesn’t want his garage back – ever!

 about me 

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